Saturday, September 5, 2009

Getting ready to run a 3rd edition d20 game! Life is sweet!
Man, the night was beautiful. The perfect temperature, around 64 degrees F, and dry as a hot summer day. Life is good. :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ah! Alone in the night again, how sweet it is...
Kentucky is wonderful this time of year. Cool temperatures and crickets chirping all around, story ideas bouncing like Gummy Bears in my head! Who could ask for more?!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

So I'm sitting outside, enjoying a cool autumn night in Kentucky, watching a smouldering ashtray. Before me lies a long night of processing emails, wishing that I could be writing a story, and listening to paranormal podcasts.
How sweet the life!
My first IPhone post!!!


Swirling thoughts confound,
fast as dripping molasses.
Ashes cast on the breeze.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Dragon watches me.
Head pounding, with no relief.
Buddha on the shelf.